Gnomes and nymphs have traditionally (
according to my very own, very personal mythology) been close. Their relationships have been excellent and accordingly peaceful, ever since
Zeus decided to modernize the local (
uhm, Greek) mythological fauna by letting gnomes build their wee weird settlements. Things haven't changed much since. Well, we did get broadband recently, but that sort of sums progress up. Oh, and
Lenin did drop by for a weekend.

Anyway. You don't care about such things, I'm sure. What's really important, and perhaps even of interest to you too, oh most loyal of readers, is that a beautiful nymph actually gave me -a lowly gnome- a
Wii. Yes, a whole European
Nintendo Wii. And I've been fiddling with it for 6 days now. And it's rather brilliant. Well not as brilliant as said nymph of course, but pretty enjoyable as far as gaming consoles go.
As I have yet to take my poor Wii for an online stroll, guess I'd rather focus on its more traditional features. Better then begin from the packaging. It's stylish, very Apple like, and the tiniest Google search will convince you of the validity of this statement. What's different in the European version though is that the bundled game, Wii Sports, comes in a proper DVD case, along with (multi-lingual) manuals, registration cards and precious Nintendo VIP points. Hah! And we also get a nice extra adapter, I'm not very sure what to use for... Definitely not edible, that. Still, a nice touch.

Now, I'm not gonna tire you with re-reviewing the whole thing either. Most probably you already know how intuitively simple the
Wii interface is, or how smart and comfortable the
Wiimote-Nunchuk combination can be. If not, better
check those reviews out. All I have to add is that this is the first console ever that seemed able to make my PC gaming attempts seem boring. It even went as far as forcing me to actually pay 120 euros for a mere 2 games (
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and Rayman Raving Rabbits), that will be reviewed in due time.

Bah! No point in blogging any further. The
Wii really is a great console. Bloody amazing, too. And the first non-retroed one I lay my hands upon! Gasp!
Oh, and apparently, tens of free (unsold actually) Wii consoles are roaming in downtown Athens. No one should have trouble getting one. Videogaming ques are -thankfully- unheard of in Greece. Just don't think it'll be as easy finding an extra controller.
Ah, lovely nymph...
Related @ Gnome's Lair:
30 Wii games video,
a NES Legend of Zelda map,
free NES gamingRelated Tags: Nintendo Wii, Wii, Wii Sports, Console, Gaming, Games, Game, Nintendo, Zelda, Rayman, Review, Consoles, Weblog, Blog, Nymph