CID, the Hungarian development team behind Newcomer, have even set up a nice website, immensely revolutionizing C64 game distribution. There, you can get yourselves the game or its final forthcoming version (for a symbolic fee), read FAQs, see screenshots, learn about the team's future ideas, express your Commodore loyalty, download stuff and generally frolic. Mind you, the game's music is the most impressive way to showcase the capabilities of the famous SID chip.

Related Tags: Commodore 64, Newcomer, C64, RPG, Commodore, Retro gaming, Games, game, post apocalyptic
Just where do find these interesting games Gnome?
ReplyDeleteCan't tell you. Just know it's not very legal...
ReplyDeleteFirst Fatherkrishna and now you, feels like all my gaming christmases have come early...... (weeps openly...)
ReplyDeleteI heard this game was getting released on the DS!
No, it isn't really. That was a terrible lie. *sits down in corner*
(gnome weeps more openly)
ReplyDeleteSniff... seufz... Uhm, don't really care for christmas though...
J! You almost gave me a heart attack there...
(sits in othe corner)
(stops crying... plugs gnomes eyes with tissue paper.....)
ReplyDeletethere that should do it.......
(throws back overcoat to reveal....)
The tear soaker uppper man...
da da.....
Oh my god!
ReplyDeleteYou are the TSUM?
Amazing! Just amazing in te most amazing of ways. I'm amazed. Guess I'll just eat another tissue then...
...no the bleach... destroys the lining in your intestine... remember living in the urban jungle can be dangerous, here read the paper section my new paper back "surviving the kitchen" did you know 10% of the population cut themselves with paper at least once a year.....
ReplyDeleteThe question in "how deep"... How many loose a finger? HAs anyone been murdered with a novel?
ReplyDelete...in time ...i plan such revelations in my second publicaton, surviving the urban jungle 2...... the world is not ready for such information.. .im sorry, ill ensure your sent an advance copy........ you'll be shocked....
ReplyDeleteAlways love a good shock... Do sign the book though... please.... it'll be worth a fortune then...
ReplyDeleteWell, originally it was released in 1994.
ReplyDeleteThat was the first and "IN HUNGARIAN ONLY" version of this game. Since hungary is really small, the mid 90's gaming market was even smaller and RPG fans with still working c64-s were a true minority, only a handful of copies were sold (I mean a few thousands). Later on, it still had a cult following amongst the fans, so the original develpoers decided to release a slightly improved and fully translated version on through the web. THIS is the 2001 version of Newcomer.
Thanks a ton for the info nagyMArci. Deeply appreciated.