Sep 11, 2008

...entering hybernation mode...

I'm not sure anyone noticed, but I haven't been blogging that regularly lately. No, really. And it's not that I don't have things I'd like to write about either, as I'm actually full of silly gaming ideas, have discovered quite a few interesting oddities I'd like to share with you loveable lot and never really stopped keeping up with the less mainstream side of gaming news. No. Thing is, I just don't have the time nor -to be frank- the calmness needed to actually blog. At least not with the quality I've decided I should be aiming for. So... well, Gnome's Lair is entering a mode of hybernation, meaning I will be around checking my friends' blogs, answering comments and mails, but won't be actually updating this blog with new content. I will, on the other hand, be able to post the odd Retro Treasure, as it's both easier to do and frankly more relaxing.

Mind you, Gnome's Lair will definitely be back sometime this December and will hopefully be much better (and possibly drastically redesigned) than ever. Now, if you will be kind enough to excuse me, I got a dissertation to finish.



  1. Been there, done that... Get a good rest and stay warm.

    So funny, I was at Junlee's watching the Littlebigplanet video he has posted there- and I swear at the beginning you are standing there!! Just for a split second Gnome is at the beginning of a game video seen across the world!! I had to rewind and sure enough there you are..

    Anyhoo, you better atleast come up with a better NEW design then what I have right now... I hope to have mine calculated with the right formula by then too.

    Off to painting land I go! Talk to you soon!!

  2. Bah, I'd never really fit in one of them pesky Blu-Ray things really... Anyway. Thanks and keep in touch matey :)

  3. It happens from time to time...

    But be sure to keep in touch, ok? The internets would be a sad place without our dear gnome...

  4. ...desolate even... :)

    Don't worry dear Nebacha, I'll definitely keep in touch. After all it will barely be more than a couple of months off. Oh, and thanks!

  5. I've noticed a trend of bloggers leaning towards this. Is blogging starting to get "burned out" for people?

    I'd post a blog post about it but I don't have the time either.

  6. Hehehe, not really. It's just that I simply do have to get that dissertation ready. It's been dragging on for ages and surely mankind needs it before my professor leaves for his sabbatical. After all, I knew the time for a break would eventually come. Hopefully a short one, mind.

  7. But you're the only guy who ever linked to my blog... how am I supposed to get above 3 hits a week now?

  8. Well, I'll be hitting it as regularly as possible. And I could bring a stick with me too you know, but I wouldn't really worry. It's a brilliant blog you got there and most adventures I know love it. Oh, and furl might help increase the traffic a bit.

  9. I only have one reply to this post:


    Good luck on the dissertation though. Having completed one myself I know how incredibly frustrating they can be.

  10. Thanks and cheer up Tom :) After all I've only been working on the thing since late 2001...

  11. *puts Gnome in a box*

    *packs box with newspaper*

    *tapes box closed*

    *writes 'do not open until xmas' on box*

    *puts box somewhere warm*

  12. Uhm, not too warm please. Please? PLEASE!

    Pacian, where are you going mate? Come back here. I'm chocking, I am.

    Oh, well.

  13. Are you going to hybernate naked..?

    I'm wearing Thongs of Justice right now... and they don't seem to be doing me any kind of Justice... Hhhhmmmmmm..

  14. All the best for your dissertation :) And remember to come back in December after your short break :)

  15. I thought of hibernating in drag really, but guess I'll go with the traditional thong of fairness. Justice is indeed not that comfy Deitrix dear...

    Thank you Roys my friend. I will :)

  16. Funnily enough,I just got out of hibernation. It's sad to see you go the same route right now, but the blog has to come second when you have other things to do.

  17. Indeed ol' chap :) And just like Pro-Gamer, the Lair will return...

    (possibly during a dark and stormy night)


  18. *sad panda*

    Hey, Gnome, but if you happen to find a little window of, say, one hour or so amidst your Quest for Dissertation (tm), then please quickly type a little, gnomish post to let us know you're still alive (still alive!). okay?

  19. (pets panda)

    There, there... Okay, I guess! I'll see if I can get all gnomish then... BTW, lovely writing in that Spectrum book mate :)

  20. Perfect, this will give us the pretext to check your webpage every now and then!

    As for the Speccy book - thanks a lot! Did you actually buy it? I haven't received my copy yet...

  21. Oh, yes. I have been enjoying mu copy for quite some time now and should soon be getting the second one too. A remarkable job...

  22. Sorry to see you offline for a while, but take it from one who has experienced the professor going on sabbatical: it's almost like starting over if you don't get it done before then. (Mine went on sabbatical and then left for another university.)

    It's says much about you gnome that you've been quiet for so long but get so many comments shortly after you post this.

  23. My thoughts exactly dear Guttertalk, especially as said professor isn't much of a hard worker. So I guess I'll just have to be as fast as possible.Almost made it to the middle already and am done with reading stuff. Hoorah!

    Oh, and thanks so much for dropping in my friend. Cheers!

  24. I completely understand dear heart! Take all the time you need! We'll all be here for you when you get back! Do you want me to pop in from time to time to water the plants? *Stealthily eyes Gnome's liquor cabinet and biscuit tin...*

    Good luck with the dissertation! I'll probably be emailing you in a week or so with withdrawl symptoms...


  25. Sure, sure, dear Father. Do drop by whenever you feel like it and by all means do water the plants too. Feeding that cuddly dog tied to the liquor-cabinet would also be appreciated... Oh, and thank you my friend!

    Hope all is fine your end of the er inter-tube thingy.


  26. You must be doing some new type of hybernating with a laptop, internet connection and blogger.....

    Maybe I should look into it myself.. Does the package come with tv and game consoles too..?

  27. Nope, but it does come with a lovely chapter on the theory of definitions! No, really.

  28. Ewe, forget that.

    That alone would cause me to hybernate.

  29. Actually definitions can be quite intriguing. Especially when applied to sociological phenomena, oui?

  30. Like blogging. That's a sociological phenomena!

  31. Pathological more like it....

  32. well rest is pretty good. You need to take atleast 7 hour of sleep.

  33. Aye, I'll give this a shot then...

  34. *Potters about, waters plants, checks biscuit tin and liquor cabinet, shuffles off...*

  35. Ah, thank you Father. Could you please make sure all windows are closed too? Thanks!

  36. Sad to hear that. I'm also out. At least for a couple of years. I've enjoyed your blog, be sure to pick it up, alright? Take care.

  37. Oh, I (almost) definitely will. But, how about you David? Two years is a long time you know...

  38. Just passing thru and needed to use your toilet.

  39. dammit! I hate gnomish toilets!!

  40. Great... just great. No, that's ok. I'll have the bots clean up everything....


    I wont be having this Gnome!! Get over you little... %$%%%$$ Come here!! Get outta there>>!!!#$@#

  42. Come back soon, Gnomey! Actually, if it gives you more time to read my blog. Take as long as you like ;)

    Seriously though, you've got a top site here and I'm gutted I've only just discovered it as your kicking back! Sod's law I suppose.

  43. Aye, thank you very much for dropping in JoyOfSticks. Kind words are always appreciated too. Oh, and I do really love your Atari work and overall writing super-powers, so I guess I'll stick to reading your stuff for a while :)

  44. I wonder how long hibernation lasts for Gnomes...

  45. Just a little while longer dear ross... A month or so I'd say...

  46. Oh man, I've gotta get all this stuff back in your house before you wake up and notice it's gone... o_O

  47. Stuff? What stuff? Oh, for the love of god... not my matchbox collection. Impressed you manage to find it though...

  48. Word Verification: WaxOn
    First thing I thought was the Karate Kid...

    Hows the blog design coming along.... ?

    Cant wait to see it! Will you be up and running this month..?

  49. WzxOff

    The redesign, eh? Weeelll.... I've had some ideas, that have been temporarily been pushed back to back of my mind, as I'm working crazy hours on the phd...

    I'd expect the first updates to start appearing before Xmas.

  50. An early Christmas present then...

  51. Yay, go Gnome!

    Waiting for your triumphant comeback.

  52. Thank you for the patience then dear Barts. Should be back before the end of 2008. Before Xmas even. Unless of course things go the truly nasty way...

    Cheers and thanks for dropping in!

  53. Can't wait to see the new place! You should have an Open House party.. err with open bar!

  54. Guess I'll have a post-phd, post-exhaustion, pre-army, blog-reopening party then. Open to all. Even doctor House.
