Aug 6, 2010

Decker's Delight Links (6.Aug.10)

Ever since I've discovered the joys of Twitter and Facebook in spreading quality links them Decker's Delight Links have been mostly dormant. Well, not anymore dear readers, as here's a fine selection of some excellent and not necessarily new gaming related links to click on like maniacs. As for me, I'll be off to the lovely island of Hydra for a couple days.
So, what should I start with? Well, this Gamasutra article on horror game design should be of interest to gaming's intellectuals. People who actually create games will also find it most intriguing I suppose.
The Artful Gamer appeals to them old grey cells via his thought-provoking and I'd say insightful Games we Can Dwell Within - What is Interactive Space?
Retro-heads should instead follow this magnificent link to a ton of scanned Amiga magazines. Everything is obviously provided for free. Yes, even the rare CD32 magazines.
Speaking of free stuff, let us strike a pose of wisdom and wonder: Can piracy save the PC? Thankfully WoS has all the answers.
Braid, the poster child of mainstream indie gaming (huh?) definitely doesn't have all the answers as Game & Write explains in It Waits for You and Me, Boy., the indie adventure gaming hub on the other hand, explains that the latest fanmade King's Quest sequel could have been a little bit better by appropriately using the time-tested Silver Lining review method.
from the gutter may not emerge as often as it (?) used to, but this piece on gaming spaces (not virtual ones, mind) is quite brilliant.
Richard Cobbett, that wise journalist-person, has written something truly wise about the Comedy of Monkey Island, which prompted Spectre Collie, that wise gamecrafting-person, to pen the equally excellent À la recherche de LeChuck perdu.
As for the journalist-person collective that is RPS, they came up with something special too: an interview with Mr. Flight Simulation Genre himself in Stale Air and Stolen Thunder.
Pacian's Space Cat Rocket Ship is less about sims and more about the Wii in the best Shattered Memories review you'll ever read.
Anyway, back to the retro stuff, as the relatively young and obviously great Game & Write blog has some quality vintage home-computer posts on the Atari ST, the Amstrad CPC and the Acorn Electron.

As for Matty, well, he'd rather try and stay as objective as possible: Attack of the Zombie Monsters and why we all need to be more critical.

Twitts? Nope, just some Quick Links:


  1. Thanks for the plug, Gnomey!

    Some intriguing links there (not just my own ;) ), a-clicking I will go...

  2. Totally delightful link repertoire!

  3. Like your gnamesake, you have successfully mined the binary caverns for treasured gems, Gnome.

  4. Thank you all dear friends. Here, have some cookies I e-baked myself.

  5. Thanks for the link, my friend. Glad you liked the post.

    I confess the more I read, the less I feel the need to post. :)

  6. You are most welcome my friend, but not posting isn't a particularly great idea...

  7. Oof! That's dusting an oldie off! Thanks for reminding me that I even wrote that article - I'm going to scrape away the crud from it and use a few sections for a chapter in my dissertation.

    And of course - thank you for the kind words, gnomish one! :)

  8. You are most welcome oh Chris! And that was an excellent piece indeed.

  9. Hey, since we're speaking about Monkey Island, can I plug this mish-mash video I made from the famous Pirates' Song and Soviet cartoon about Baron Munchausen? It's hit-and-miss, but I think that at least some parts are synced nicely:

  10. Excellent work Ilya! Thanks for sharing.
