Ice-Pick Lodge, the team behind Pathologic, are already working on their new project. It's called Тургор (meaning Turgor, though something tells me the final name will be something along the lines of Tension), already has a most interesting official website in Russian, looks bloody amazing and is a survival horror adventure, which apparently is something like a survival horror game but -astonishingly- with a few adventure elements thrown in. As for the plot, well, it obviously has to do with surviving, avoiding death, interacting with Sisters and Brothers and not dying. In a dark, surreal and sort of fleshy environment. Better watch the trailer posted above, though... it took me bloody ages to upload.
Related @ Gnome's Lair: Resonance Teaser, Space Quest IV retro review, Indy Adventures Guide, Quake update
Was this released in the US?
ReplyDelete(holds up patholic badge... buys Gnome popcorn... moves through to the inner circle.....watches video..droolssss)
ReplyDeleteNope Funnyman. It hasn't been released anywhere yet...
ReplyDelete(gnome organizes the first international drooling league)
Should we call it IDL Elderly?
Capital idea (wipes mouth...) IDL would be ... IDeaL even... lol.. ideal.. see what i did there.. erm .. yes well okay.. yes excellent idea, can we get Angelina Jolie to present the prizes.. please oh please! i'll even design the medals.. oh say we can, can we huh!. please huh! go on! say you'll agree...
ReplyDeleteAngelina, excellent idea... Should help with boosting membership numbers too... Great. I'll start with the paperwork...
ReplyDeleteHeck I never even finished Doom 3. I wuz bored.
ReplyDeleteThe current issue has its cover article on Dead Space. A lone adventurer/space marine has to survive the attacks of an alien threat long thought dead. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Jolie fans? I can't imagine how you must feel about the upcoming Beowulf movie.
The Pathologic demo
Bah! The video has gone! Still, seves me right for being antisocial and spending the last five days playing Resident Evil 2 and Blue Stinger on Dreamcast
ReplyDeleteBeowulf movie you said guttertalk? Like in Beowulf the mythic pre-English hero? Hope he's not played by Jolie, really. I mean, she got tits, wich although lovely don't look particularly heroic...
ReplyDeleteAnyway. A lone space marine? GASP!
Fk dear, what do you mean the video's gone? Blue Stinger?
Jolie will play Grendel's mother, which at first sounds disappointing. However, this film is a computer variation on rotoscoping, so, in the movie. She appears human in the movie . . . except she's nekkid with a golden skin.
ReplyDelete(The sound of google images getting hit with "Jolie Beowulf naked")
Make that "Jolie nekkid golden skin pr0n"...
ReplyDeletenekkid Jolie in goldy skin?.. THUD!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe game's site is down right now... Try here:
Thanks again! Nice to see an English version of the site too.