No particular point to be honest. I simply felt like looking back at one of the first adventures I ever played. See if it retains its charm. Provide you with the sweet and fuzzy nostalgia feeling every retro review tends to evoke. Perhaps even teach the younger readers of the Lair a small history lesson that has nothing to do with Lenin. The fact, of course, that Space Quest IV was the last Space Quest game to be designed by the Two Guys from Andromeda (Mark Crowe and Scott Murphy; Wikipedia entry), the first Space Quest to feature VGA graphics and the first Sierra adventure with scrolling screens in it, did help me a bit in selecting it.

Well, maybe not so cliched after all. You do have to accomplish standard superhero goals, but there is a twist. You see, Roger Wilco right after saving the two game designers known as the Two Guys from Andromeda in Space Quest III, and while vacationing through the Galaxy's space bars, gets attacked by the aptly named Sequel Police, who are apparently operating under the commands of arch-enemy Sludge Vohaul. Roger's yet unborn son comes to the rescue, transports him to Space Quest XII, where Roger promptly hands control over to the player, who must now save the Galaxy. Not a groundbreaking story, but nice nonetheless and quite an appropriate setting for some silly gags..
This, you see, is no serious sci-fi dystopian epic. From the moment you look at the cover of the game's box (which in typical 90s fashion includes lots of diskettes, a manual, a Sierra catalog, and the amazingly funny Space Piston Magazine; have a look here) you'll get the silly attitude that prevails throughout SQ4. The game pokes fun at Sierra, Space Quest games, adventure games in general, Star Wars, sci-fi movies, contemporary society, life, universe, fish (not) and apparently the player. Most of the jokes and one-liners actually work, thus crowning SQ4 the funniest (non-text) adventure of the early nineties, if for whatever criminal reason we choose to ignore Monkey Island. Or Day of the Tentacle. Ok, to be frank, SQ4 isn't the funniest game ever. Big deal! Its humor is much better than your average Larry Laffer, Broken Sword, or Quake-Doom humor.

Try finishing SQ4 without any external help and you will loose your precious time, your precious temper or even both, for this is a bloody difficult game. Unfairly and excruciatingly so. Hint book sales were after-all a major income source for Sierra during the long forgotten era of the early nineties, when the Web was just a Swiss scientist's thought and walkthroughs hard to find. Timed sequences, arcade bits, a variety of frequent and unexpected deaths, mazes, dead ends, obscure riddles and every twisted anti-player trick the designers could conjure is there to make your life miserable and your adventuring quest a descent to paranoia. On the plus side this is an adventure game with a point system, meaning that even if you manage to reach the end, you should probably replay it in order to achieve full-points glory. Talk about value for money. Hah. Those were the days.

That makes the Space Quest Collection sound a lot better. It's nice that Sierra decided to sell collections of their old games.
ReplyDeleteIndeed dear ithmeer. It could have been so much better though (including extras, interviews etc) and not some compilation running using the standard freeware DOSbox version...
ReplyDeleteQuest for Glory used the point system as well.
ReplyDeleteIt was good for replay because you are going EVERYWHERE trying to find out where you missed those points.
Uhm, well, yes. I was quite fond of this sick little fetish too y'know...
ReplyDeleteThe Space Quest series is one of my favorites... I think SQ2 was my first one ;)
ReplyDeleteSQ4 was nice, but i still think SQ3 and SQ5 are the best parts of the series.
- Ben
Hey Ben, nice of you to drop a comment mate. Thanks. As for me, well didn't really enjoy SQ5, but I must admit the parser games -especially SQ3- were quite excellent. Probably funnier too, but they had the unfair advantage of text ;)
ReplyDeleteA good read. I'm really impressed with your output, Gnome. There's text everywhere. I just fake it and put in lots of pictures... Well. Kudos.
ReplyDeleteSpace Quest. Those were the good old days.
ReplyDeleteKing's Quest is great too !!
Maybe I should pick up one of these collections one day. But only if Gnome approves...
ReplyDeletenever heard of it till now, quite excellent and captivating review and game now added to my must play b4idie list.
ReplyDeleteHey Gnome!
ReplyDeleteEnjoying your blog - tripped over it as I Googled for System Shock 2 updates.
Wanted to see if you might be interested in joining us over at Gamehelper.com? We just relaunched and you can learn more about our mission here: http://gamehelper.com/site/staff
Hit me up if you're interested - joe at gamehelper dot com
Thanks a ton David. Appreciate the kind words mate. Never knew you faked pics (!). Hehe
ReplyDeleteYes, slackogamer, King's Quest is great too, and KQ 6 the best of said series...
I approve Ross, but only if you haven't played the games before. Wouldn't suggest said compilations for collectors.
Wow, what a huge play-list Elderly. Surely the ladies will love it. Oh, and thanks for another set of undeserved kind words my friend.
Pachoey, I'll have a look and mail you asap mate.
Oh, I'll fake anything... ;)
ReplyDelete(disguises himself as Gnome... heads over to Gamehelper.com....)
ReplyDeletepsst.. what's the plan?
ReplyDeleteWow stunning and in depth review! Top marks Mr.Gnome
ReplyDelete(arrives back....) well that went down like a bloody led balloon... (tosses fascimile Gnome hat in corner...)
ReplyDeletewell they never spotted the disguise, would have taken me for Gnome straight away... except I'm virtual aint' I? don't exist do I... (passes hand through rib cage...) seems I only exist on internet and I'm completely invisible in real life... well thats a great bloody surprise....
Thank you very much fatherly Mr. Krishna.
ReplyDeleteSurprise maybe Elderly but I'm not sure I actually got the plan. All I managed is to find out you're a trans-dimensional invisible being.
...oooh i don't like the sound of that,.. multi dimensional sounds better.. trans.. carries wrong connotations... hope you understand...
ReplyDeleteWhy yes, of course. Can't see how I let that slip... Wish I had a proper legal to post an appropriate disclaimer.
ReplyDeletethey're so costly... and they say blooger is free huh!.. pah!...
ReplyDeletePerhaps we could abduct a lawyer or too...
ReplyDelete...we could... why thats a capital idea.... and probably a capital offence too.... still it would liven things up... we can keep him in Fk's house...
ReplyDeleteThe one in Wales or the Manchunian?
ReplyDelete..hmmmmm! manchuria... they have prettier jail cells....
ReplyDeleteBut are the cockroaches big enough?
ReplyDeleteWhile SQ3 was probably the best in the series, SQ4 fails in all fronts except presentation. There's practically no puzzles, it's completely linear, the storyline just pales in comparison to any of the contemporary LucasArts' releases, or even to older entries in the SQ-saga.
ReplyDeleteMost likely they figured out in the marketing department that the graphics is what sells the game; and while the writing is what makes the game memorable, it does not help to ship the units.
I'll generally have to disagree with you dear anonymous, though I can definitely see your points. And I'm pretty sure you're correct on them marketing choices...
ReplyDeleteI'll generally have to disagree