People are still making wonderful games all over the world and journos are frantically trying to cover everything; and failing. So, uhm, here are some lovely indie news you probably missed. Or not, but, still, great stuff indeed.
I wasn't fast enough to cover this wonderful freeware game elsewhere, but I really had to write something; Event[0] is an amazing first person narrative game that lets you talk with a rather brilliant AI. Available for Mac and Windows.
City planning games have been a favourite genre of mine even before I really found out what planning is all about and the just announced Concrete Jungle is looking rather fabulous. It's also seeking funding on Kickstarter.
Do you know what DestinyQuest Infinite is all about? No? Well, I'm shocked and this preview of the thing should be most enlightening. People who enjoy interactive text will probably want to check out the full version too.
Sometimes searching look Greenlight can be incredibly boring. Unless you run into Skyhill, that is, for it looks so very moody and is aiming to become a unique and dark story-based rogue-like.
Hadean Lands is finally (finally!) available for Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS and it's both brilliantly epic and something everyone has to play. Repairing alchemical starships has never been this satisfying.
Have you played Like Clockwork yet? For shame... This is an absolutely bonkers and properly funny RPG thing of sorts and it's absolutely freeware too. You'll even get to meet Tam McGleish.
More traditional roleplayers (of the rolling dice variety) can support Dungeon Kingdom: Sign of the Moon on IndieGogo instead. It's all very Eye of the Beholder and its trolls are nice and imposing.