Dec 27, 2010

La Molleindustria presents Leaky World

La Molleindustria, the Italian team of radical artists that has already given us such indie gaming masterpieces as Every day the same dream and Oiligarchy, has also become the fist developer to release a game for the Wikileaks Stories project. Leaky World, said aptly and brilliantly named brand new game, casts gamers as an abstraction in the service of international elites. An abstraction trying to connect them, while simultaneously stopping any (wiki or not) leaks before the peoples of the world -their anger fueled by the leaked truth- revolt, using some truly unique game mechanics in a game that's way more elegant and simple than it sounds.

Molleindustria calls Leaky World a "playable theory", which actually makes sense. The thing really is a playable theory, though one with unique aesthetics and excellent ideas, that also happens to be fun and challenging. Oh, and Leaky World makes for a great semi-random exploration tool of the more interesting published Wikileaks cables, while simultaneously showcasing just what Wikileaks Stories is all about. You can play the Leaky World (for free of course) right here.

Related @ Gnome's Lair:

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