Mar 9, 2010

Digital: A Love Story

Digital: A Love Story Matrix BBSI could go on and write something really extensive about Digital: A Love Story and spoil it for you all, but I won't. I'm good and wise like that. Also incredibly handsome. Err, yes. Anyway. I'll instead (strongly) suggest you download Digital and play it yourselves. After all, it's a story driven affair with a healthy dose of cyber romance, that will definitely appeal to the average (thus exceptionally exceptional) Gnome's Lair reader. Download it here -for free of course- and don't forget to appreciate its retro, pre-Internet BBS atmosphere.


  1. I mentioned yesterday that Digital: A Love Story is my indie game of the year. It outstrips any game I've seen so far in terms of creativity and writing quality. Hard to say if other people will enjoy it as much as I did, but I found it downright unique.

    Besides, what's cooler than writing down numbers to all your local bbses? :)

  2. I'll tell what's cooler... Actually logging on a BBS called Matrix as a kid! Oh, and you're most probably correct about its GOTY status too.

  3. i think the site has crashed :(
    apparently my music was used in this game! i want to check it out...

  4. Hey, your music is brilliant! No, really. And unfortunately the site seems to have crashed...

  5. Fascinating game. This is the first indie game I've played and completed in quite some time. I can't say I've ever played anything like it. The music was excellent.

    Do pass others like this along, though I don't believe there are any other games like this. Some parts reminded me of Uplink, which I never did get around to finishing...

  6. Glad you enjoyed it dear Ithmeer. It is indeed a fantastic and unique game. And -you are correct- it does feel like a less technical more story oriented Uplink. BTW, I got a boxed Uplink on my desk and will probably get back to it pretty soon.

  7. I envy your boxed copy! I only have the Steam version. I've tried to beat that game twice, but I always seem to get tracked down somehow, right when I start getting a good amount of money...hopefully I'll beat it one of these days.

  8. Saw this elsewhere, but you convinced me. This is a seriously awesome game. :-)

  9. @ Ithmeer: I'm behind you! Haven't finished the game myself, but I think that Introversion does have a few boxed copies for sale.

    @ Pacian: Deadly serious fun, I'd say. And it really does feel a bit like on of your games, you know...

  10. How can I get a password for ARPANET?

  11. I liked quite a bit for the atmosphere, but the lack of puzzles and the need to repeat the mundane stuff over and over again weren't too great.

  12. Still, a really well written hack-em-up...
