May 19, 2018

Virtual Cities: An Atlas & Exploration of Video Game Cities

Go, go! Pledge, support, spread the word, and help make the first atlas of videogaming a very real reality! Here's the link:

PS. Thanks so much! You know I love you.

May 10, 2018

A season of books, magazines, and talks

In another one of my sadly sporadic updates on Gnome's Lair I am extremely happy to let you know that I am working with artist Maria Kallikaki on Virtual Cities: An Atlas of Video Game Cities. This  project will result in a book examining over 40 of the most iconic cities of gaming, mapping them, detailing them, and exploring them via a series of sketches and drawings. If you are interested in receiving a single email to let you know when the book becomes available for pre-order please do subscribe here.

Just in case books aren't your cup of tea, and you'd rather get your game cities presented to you via magazines, worry not. Issue 181 of Retro Gamer magazine should come with an article on 8-bit cities by me and Alexander Chatziioannou, whereas the lovely Kilobyte Magazine was kind enough to publish my words on the fantasy town of Dun Darach. You can enjoy said Kilobyte issue for free at issuu or as a more traditional PDF.

Finally, and if you'd like to hear me talk about urbanism and discuss designing cities for games, do attend Game Access '18 in lovely Brno this June. My talk 'The Virtual Cities We Play In: A Builder's Introduction' should be of interest, and we can always have a nice chat, and an early summer drink. Possibly even see what my dear friends at CBE Software are up to these days.