Dec 30, 2007
Adventure Lantern: the final 2007 issue

Dec 29, 2007
Want to share your latest game? Idea? Bit of spam? Offer a review copy for, well, review? Propose for marriage? Promote something of a ludic nature? Chat? Drop a line? Well, if you don't have my email, then, by all means, do use the following form.
Dec 28, 2007
Behold the DOOM Bible

Read it (the PDF makes a far more interesting read than this clumsy post) and see how DOOM could have turned out a better game. Not a masterpiece, nor more influential mind you, but definitely a better, more interesting game. Sadly Tom Hall's ideas were never fully implemented, though one could say the have lived on to influence later id games.
Related @ Gnome's Lair: Jet Set Willy: the patch, 1700 arcade manuals, Classic DOOM, more free PDFs & ebooks
Retro gaming
Dec 27, 2007
Wash and wait for the Age of Decadence

Age of Decadence, you see, apparently an isometric, turn-based, single-player 3D role-playing game set in a low magic, post-apocalyptic fantasy world, seems more than promising, what with its 100 quests, 22 locations and G.R.R. Martin-esque epic storyline. Don't think I can remember other indie games claiming size as a virtue... Anyway, here's a gameplay video and here's AoD's official website. Oh, and do thank Tacticular Cancer for the tip.
Related @ Gnome's Lair: Aquaria released, The B-Game Competition, Тургор, World Basketball Manager
Dec 26, 2007
ButtonSmasher Gaming

Retro Game RGCD One More Time (?)

Related @ Gnome's Lair: Monty's Christmas Special, Retro Gamer eMag review, a couple new Amstrad CPC games
Retro gaming
Dec 21, 2007
Armageddon helps Dark Future break free

The Battle for Armageddon (download) is an aptly named wargame that pits the Imperium versus the Orcs in a fight to control the Armageddon Hive. The rules are simple, elegant really, and make for a fast yet tactically varied/deep game. Oh, and everything you need to play from counters to board pieces has been included.
Dark Future (scroll down and download) is not unlike a certain Mad Max inspired Steve Jackson game, meaning it does have to do with driving heavily armors cars around a desolate definitely post-apocalyptic place. The ultra detailed rules with their highly enjoyable fluff bits span an impressive 220 pages.
Related @ Gnome's Lair: Battle for Skull Pass review, Chaos Dwarf fantasies, Blood Bowl, PDF & e-book archive
Dec 13, 2007
And a very happy Saturn Junkyard Birthday!

The first video game patch in history. Well, probably.
Mathew Smith's 1984 Jet Set Willy on the ZX Spectrum, a game that was so much more sophisticated, surreal, fondly remembered and popular than Mario (well, at least in Europe it was), was also a bastard to beat. All you had to do was miss a jump by a pixel or fail to act in a nanosecond and you were dead. Why? Just because a talented 18 year old designer was in a cruel mood, that's why, and of course because back then even you, oh most glorious and esteemed readers, hadn't achieved gameplaying perfection yet.
Software Projects, the game's publishers, sensed that the sadism inherent in JSW would make for a great competition and thus a chance for some extra publicity, and knowing that the gamers of the era were hardcore 14 year olds, they merrily went on with their plan. The first one to find all of the JSW objects would win a helicopter ride and a case of champagne. The competition though, finally won by Ross Holman and Cameron Else, besides the publicity bit, did help bring forth 4 major bugs in the game and Software Projects decided to patch it. Probably for the first time in video gaming history and apparently to show they sort of cared.
Software Projects, the game's publishers, sensed that the sadism inherent in JSW would make for a great competition and thus a chance for some extra publicity, and knowing that the gamers of the era were hardcore 14 year olds, they merrily went on with their plan. The first one to find all of the JSW objects would win a helicopter ride and a case of champagne. The competition though, finally won by Ross Holman and Cameron Else, besides the publicity bit, did help bring forth 4 major bugs in the game and Software Projects decided to patch it. Probably for the first time in video gaming history and apparently to show they sort of cared.
They came up with the fixes, but lacking in the Internet department, they had the users type them in. A series of four historical POKEs, collectively remembered as the official Software Projects Pokes, were released and distributed (mostly) via magazines. According to this apparently well informed corner of the web (and from what I can still recall) them official POKEs were:
- Moving an invisible object from the First Landing to The Hall (42183,11)
- Removing a killer object from the Conservatory Roof (60231,0),
- Changing a block in the Banyan Tree to a walk-through type (56876,4)
- The Attic bug fix Poke (59901,82).
All you would then need to do would be type them in, in way not dissimilar to what Your Spectrum would advise:
Rewind the Jet Set Willy tape and load it using MERGE "", press Enter and start the tape. Once the loader program has been loaded you will get the 'OK' message on the screen and you should stop the tape. Now enter:
CLEAR 32767
LOAD "" CODE as direct commands and start the tape. After the main part of the program has loaded, enter the following as direct commands:
POKE 60231,0
POKE 42183,11
POKE 59901,82
POKE 56876,4
and your problems should be over. To start the new version of the game, enter GO TO 40.
Related @ Gnome's Lair: The Heroquest POKE, PDF Spectrum emulation bible, 3D Ant Attack, free online retro gaming
Retro gaming,
ZX Spectrum
Dec 12, 2007

Related @ Gnome's Lair: Sam & Max episode 104 gone freeware, Pac-Txt, HPL's Commonplace Book Project
Dec 10, 2007
Aquaria released - underwater fantasy gaming reaches the indie loving masses

Now, before going off downloading and/or wisely buying stuff, before even enjoying the sheer beauty of Aquaria's video teaser, better read a bit of the official word:
Aquaria, winner of the Seumas McNally Grand Prize at the 2007 Independent Games Festival, features over 175 strange and wonderful creatures (including several massive and ancient "bosses"), 8 magical forms with unique abilities, 50 original music tracks, and over 2000 pieces of hand-painted 2d artwork.
Dec 6, 2007
An hour of hot D&D 4th edition insider info and some other (audible) stuff

It's a 148 minutes long monster, mind you, and besides discussing Super Mario Galaxy, the Witcher and a variety of non-analog games, said podcast sports 62 minutes of Christopher Perkins interview goodness. Shockingly, Mr. Perkins, Story Design Manager RPGs/Minis R&D at Wizards, chooses to discuss the 4th edition of Dungeons & Dragons and offer invaluable behind the scenes info.
Related @ Gnome's Lair: Steal Away Jordan, D&D Instant Campaign Builder, Proletariat: The Uprising, a D&D 4e post
Dec 2, 2007
Monty's Christmas Misty Eyed Special
Well, guess what. In an anti-twist of blog writing fashion, I'm happy to inform you that the wait is finally over. Auld Games have, as of December 1st 2007, released Monty's Christmas Special for freeware public consumption and it's an absolutely gorgeous Spectrum-like, non colour-clashing platforming beauty. Download the game here NOW and see what this classic police avoiding rodent is up to.
Those either caring for more top quality interactive entertainment or looking to find out more on Monty Mole could do worse than grab the remake of the original Monty On the Run and have a read here.
Related @ Gnome's Lair: 'em classic game mags for free, Retro Gamer eMag review, ZX Spectrum documentary, Galaxian
Retro gaming
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