Sep 7, 2007

Bioshock Widescreen Hack & Tweak Guide

Repeat after me: Bioshock is brilliant. Good. Again! Once more, just to make sure. Nice. Now say: System Shock 2 is way better and you'll be allowed to audiovisually enjoy this amazing Zero Punctuation Bioshock review by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw the Wise and -apparently- Very Funny.

Disclaimer: In the unlikely event you were expecting to find something else here, probably judging from the post's cunningly typed title, well, here's where you can grab your Bioshock (proper) widescreen hack and here's this lovely tweaking guide you've always wanted to have a look at.

[Update]: Nearly forgot. Find Bioshock walkthroughs here.

Related @ Gnome's Lair: Grab the (free) Bioshock soundtrack, System Shock 2 2k7, Duke Nukem 3D high-res


  1. I feel strangely wiser... and wider.... hark i hear a bioshock walkthrough amendment...

  2. Ooh I saw that one yesterday over on gametrailers. Great stuff! Now if only my BioShock order were to arrive, preferably before Duke Nukem Fornever is released...

  3. Ah yes. Gotta link to it, dont I Elderly dear? Of course I do.

    Thanks Droniac and I wouldn't worry... Surely your post service is probably the best in the world...

  4. It is way too much trouble to hack BioShock. The easier solution is to play the 360 version.

  5. Well, yes, provided you have a 360 that is... Then again a joypad will never feel as smooth and fast as a mouse...

  6. ..wait!!! i just linked to your post....

    (gets down on knees and attempts to sort out linkages....rewires washing machine and tv)

    there that should do it.. though i'd be careful, channel 6 is now the full power spin wash.....

  7. Is this appropriate from my full-llamawool sweater? And really, who's linking whom right now? It's all so confusing, it is....

  8. That was fucking hilarious! Great find Gnome!

  9. Glad you appreciate it Father... Oh, and thanks for being kind mate...

  10. reviews linkage circuitry...

    well lets see. you linked to me.. red wire..

    i linked to you linking to wire..

    then you linked to me linking to you on digg (thank you)

    .. yellow and green cable....

    so the black and the blue wires... shouldn't be here... unless they're multiplying on their own... (scratches head..)

  11. Cut a random one and see what hppens. Then we execute hte rest...

  12. (cuts black wire.... nothing happens!.....)... now what?

  13. Uh.. execute the rest of 'em wires?

  14. ...but they've done nothing wrong.. you can't just execute innocent wires, left right and centre....


    a courtmarshal?

  15. I am definitely not. Still, they just old inanimate wires... Nobody would care.

  16. but there beautifully delicate pvc just feels wrong... (hands soldering iron to Gnome...) here you do it.. I can't watch.....

  17. Can't say I 'm sure how to use said thing. Am I supposed to somehow melt it or something?
