Aug 29, 2007

Bioshock Orchestral Score in all its free mp3 glory

The Elderly Gamer has already provided you with the excellent Bioshock PDF Artbook and a discreetly beautiful walkthrough, Eurogamer brought you the game's definitive review and now I, a lowly gnome of all online personas, am about to suggest you have a walk over to the fantastic Cult of Rapture website. Why? Well, there's a brilliant free 12-tracks long mp3 Bioshock orchestral soundtrack by composer Garry Schyman to download. Cyber-leg hurts? Here's a direct download link to make things easier.

Related @ Gnome's Lair: 1700 arcade game manuals, Kudos Rock Legend, more video game soundtracks


  1. If only all game releases came with these kind of freebies :)

  2. Well, Sam and Max Season 1 had quite a few freebies itself, but unfortunately you're right. If only...

  3. Maybe it will set some trends :)

    Thanks for the link!

  4. Hopefully yes my friend. Glad to see you around again. Cheers!

  5. Sweet je.....stupendous... this is so brilliant..... and Thank you for linkees..

    (kisses gnome....heads off to download soundtrack....)

  6. So, has anyone actually tried the game yet?

    I don't have a 360 and my PC can't handle it :-(

  7. Really Mr. Elderly, we should stop all the kissing and hugging. People might get it wrong being the backwards little bastards they are.

    Ah, Tom, well, I've played the demo and it easily ranks among the top 5 20 gaming minutes I ever had. Great storytelling with practically no cut-scenes, brillinat graphics, great PC and all that on a 2002 PC...

  8. :0

    Maybe I should just try it, see if it works.

    What graphics card do you lovingly possess Gnome? Providing it hasn't caught fire yet of course ;-)

  9. It's a fireproof yet AGP version of the GeForce 6800. Nothing fancy really, but 512mb of RAM.

  10. I've been playing Bioshock.. and I absolutely love it... the setting, the athmosphere, the myriad ways to neutralise splicers (my favourite is the shock and wrench combo...)... most definitely a killer app.. more hugs huh!... oh well... it won't be the same of course... (shakes hands with Gnome....) no not the same at all....

  11. When is the soundtrack going to be released?

  12. Ok, then...

    (gives Elderly a manly hug)

    Bioshock... And I've found all these filled with spoilers literary/philosophical analysises of the game I cant wait to read and ridicule. Gotta grab a copy. Kill some splicers.

    Oh, and funnyman, I infortunately wouldn't know..

  13. (leans over blog posts railing... theres a free mp3 orchestral score down there somewhere

    (points to earlier Gnomeslair post..)

    i'm getting vertigo...

  14. Well, still not a complete soundtrack, it isn't.

  15. I don't use an MP 3 player. I prefer CD's. I could send an e-mail to 2K games, but I doubt they will respond.

  16. I doubt it too, but you could burn the mp3s on a CD. Audio format of course...

  17. ...burning ..always burning..... ... i'll make tea....

  18. ice tea?... it'll take longer.... cubed, frappe or one big lump?

  19. frappe it is!.. wont be a minute.. (thud, bang, bang.....)...

    with a twist of lemon? perchance?

  20. No, no thank you. Just add some coffee ot it please...

  21. i don't have coffee but I do have Bovril.. same colour....?

  22. Definitely, even though knowing what a Bovril is might be nice...

  23. Finally found time to listen to this tuff. The main theme is hauntingly beautiful whereas the rest are just well .. haunting. Yikes!
