More exciting though, even if technically less impressive, is what happened to Rick Dangerous II (MobyGames entry here) -the Flash Gordon version of Rick. Well, he didn't start going all flash aha. No, he simply got himself remade. Into an excellent, faithful, freeware, WinXP compatible and highly enjoyable game no less. Search fot it somewhere here...
Related @ Gnome's Lair: Deconstructulator, Chip's Challenge, the Atari 2600 GUI
Related Tags: Rick Dangerous, Rick Dangerous 2, Rick Dangerous II, Remake, Retro remake, free game, freeware, downloads, games, game, retro
holy f@@~+ that's one incredibly valuable post......
ReplyDeleteSt Martin was known for his generosity, but never anything like this..
(rings the pope....
"yes a Gnome.... what you don't canonise Gnomes! why ever not...? right well thats a good reason!
...hangs up)
sorry i tried....
He reminds me a little of Mr. Incredible. Ya know what? Up till now I haven't seen that damn film, even though everyone has raved on about how good it is. *shrugs* Ah well!
ReplyDeleteAny chance of a walkthrough, some hints or cheats? I keep dying when I land on the little tribesman...
ReplyDeleteYES I KNOW I'M THE SHITTEST GAMER IN THE WORLD.... (COL!) (cries out loud) ;(
And I haven't even finished X Men DS... The *cough!* damn walkthrough was incomplete!! (LOL!)
Damn! I'd love having my face paraded all over the Vatican... Even painted on a ceiling or something... Pah, cant have everything it seems. Anyway, thank you Mr. Elderly. Tried any other religions? Perhaps they might be interested...
ReplyDeleteMr. Incredible! Yes, you're quite right there J, even though the film was barely funny.... Stii, this is Flash!
OH, poor little father.... All you need is patience... Now, I do remeber having some maps of the game, but haven't seen those since I was 17, and that was a frightening long time ago...
....well its funny you should say that, i've just been on the phone to the leader of the muslim community in Iraq, seems they've issued a fatwah in your honour...
ReplyDeleteno need to thank me.... i'ts what i do....
A fatwah? But why, oh why? It's totally unfair, but still, I'll take it like a gnome and then I'll laugh my ass off in a rice/wine/virgin filled paradise, while them death-mongering pseudo-religious fakes roast in hell... Ah, lovely!
ReplyDeleteSo I guess ..er.. thanks Elderly...
...(scratches head....) you mean a fatwah is a bad thing.....
ReplyDelete(phone iraq... yes a fatwah..... gnomes lair creator.... yeah i wanted it lifted.... no i haven't a receipt... no .... i dont like your tone of voice young man... well now just hold on....)
well it looks like we have a fatwah each ....... okay it's probably not too late to dig the emergency shelter..... i'll get a shovel...
Right! Make it a big one though... I'll be bringing consoles, HDTVs, porny porns and my cherised tequila collection.. Oh, and we'll have to somehow blog....
ReplyDelete...roger.. (adds strippers, teabags and semolina.......)
ReplyDelete..how long do fatwahs last? should i bring some Christmas wrapping paper with us?
Easter wrapping might come in handy too... Oh, and do bring an extra Wiimote... For the strippers really...
ReplyDeletewow remote control strippers.... okay im ready...
ReplyDelete(two shadowy figures enter the emergency fatwah bunker......)