Mar 12, 2008

Gun Mute: the text-only free shoot-em-up

Gun Mute ShmupI know I've mentioned text-adventure/interactive-fiction games on this blog more than enough, but now -I'm convinced- even the uninitiated will care, for Gun Mute by dear Pacian is an immensely accessible, brilliantly written, incredibly fun, modestly sized and 100% freeware offering. Hints, you see, oh text-phobic readers, are readily available, an in-game walkthrough of sorts has been included, traveling has been limited to forward/backward movement and only a handful of commands are required to finish the game.

Set in a weird and almost satirical world infested with bizarrely mutated cowboy film stereotypes and sentient robots, Gun Mute casts the player as a mute -yet passionate- shooter that has to save a friend from what might be an unfair death at the gallows. How? Well, by shooting, taking cover, murdering stuff and solving brilliant puzzles that mostly require shooting and ducking. Oh, yes, reloading too.

To download the game (and as Pacian has yet to blog it) better head over at our dear IndieGames blog and either grab the standalone .exe file or the .t3 one. Getting the Gargoyle IF player might come in handy too. Oh, and do type credits when you play the thing ;)

[UPDATE]: Here's the official game page of Gun Mute.

Related @ Gnome's Lair: 2007 AGS Awards, Textfyre, H.P. Lovecraft inspired i-f, Lurking Horror retro review


  1. I'm going to check this out right now - Western stuff is right up my alley, pardner!

  2. Holy fuck, this game is everywhere already! o_O

    But not really the first text only shoot-em-up, I'm afraid. A bunch of IF arcade game adaptations were created for a competition quite a few years back.

  3. Though I now realise that was Digg calling it "world's first" and not you.

  4. Still... It's the first one I ever played in this... err... world! Excellent job Pacian, really.

  5. Impressive stuff! Now where do you plug it in?

  6. Uhm, I guess you don't. It just sort of plugs itself in...

  7. I'm actually playing it right now and it's been pretty enjoyable so far. I'm already stuck, though...

  8. Not far after the beginning of the game, in that part where we go to the saloon and the (robot?)barmaid starts shooting at us. Since we can't shoot her, I really have no idea of what to do

  9. I would suggest looking upwards...

  10. lovely , first IF I do ever , need to check that sort of thing more.

  11. Ah, so very glad you enjoyed it Vince!
