Jul 4, 2007

At last! Gnomes get their free gaming files stash.

Hosting files can be quite a fuss, so, I ...uhh... went on and created Gnome's Lair: The Files a cozy little site that will be (actually already is) the home of every PDF, mp3, game or other freebie I will have to upload for your gaming pleasure and can't be directly linked to from this very blog. Have a look and expect some new freeware gaming content soon.

Related @ Gnome's Lair: @roguelike: the magazine, Neil Gaiman's I Cthulhu, Discovering Retro Treasures


  1. Huzzah!! Good show... err, website, fellow Gnome. Already took a quick look and noticed you had 5 items already up. If you are looking for something else to put up on there that I might have, give me a shout.

  2. (gives cousin Blue Gnome a shout)

    Any ideas then, my friend?

  3. I'm actually interested in your use of googlepages, which I've considered playing with. I notice that it's limited to 100MB of storage, though.

    Soon, the gnomish web empire will be as vast as it is impressive.

  4. I'm actually interested in your use of googlepages, which I've considered playing with. I notice that it's limited to 100MB of storage, though.

    Soon, the gnomish web empire will as vast as it is impressive.

  5. Nice and wonderfully designed site I must say - especially that delightful left sidebar of clicky stuff there ... just found something useful via those links just now

  6. And we will definitely be needing a prime minister, don't you think dear guttertalk?

    As for 100MB, they are more than enough for the time being. Hopefully, that is.

    Thank you Mr. Munkey. Glad you enjoy it!

  7. You're infesting the Internet! :p

    Great idea Gnome, and if you run out of space you could always make a Gnome's Lair: The files 2.

  8. And then a three, and then a trilogy box set. Ah, yes, Tom the possibilities are indeed endless!

  9. forget IGN, im investing in Gnome Inc.

  10. What a splendid idea! All you have to do dear friend is mail me 13,000 euros and you'll double it in less than a year (saturn years used).

  11. You are a very lovely, giving creature Gnome, well done...

  12. Thank you fatherly creature...
