Independent video game developers are like the artisans of yore. They aren't wage slaves, they don't exploit anyone else's work, they are neither masters nor slaves, but creative people who strive for the quality of their product and don't have to succumb to whatever ridiculous
market realities managers can come up with. In short, they are to be supported, fiercely guarded even, as they're (
more or less) involuntary combating dominant modes of consumption and production. Oh, and let's not forget the fine games the indy/bedroom developers have historically come up with. Games like
Another World,
Skool Daze,
Simon the Sorcerer and countless others that are all the proof you should ever need...
Then again, I simply refuse (
i.e. can't be bothered) to let this post deteriorate into a quasi-political rant with artistic tendencies. We'll hopefully have time for this at a later date. For now, I think I'll stick to the news. The indy adventure gaming related news to be precise.

Well, for starters (
not that there's much more on the menu, mind you),
xii games of
What Linus Bruckman Sees When His Eyes Are Closed,
Anna and
Spooks fame are working on a brand new adventure game
set in a not-so-distant future when a particle physicist’s mysterious and spectacular death sparks a race to find his hidden vault and claim his terrifying new discovery. An indy dream team has already been assemble, but despair not.
xii games is
still hiring.

On to some
SOCKO! Entertainment news. Remember them? How about the first commercial
AGS adventure ever released, the cunningly named
Adventures of Fatman? Ah, lovely, I knew you would (
pssst, if not, the game has been released as a freeware memory stimulant; get it here). Well, seems that the seemingly defunct
SOCKO! team was just that: seemingly defunct. Behind the scenes they've been working on
Fatman S.O.S. (
Save Our Superheroes) their second game, which they hope to fund by selling a brilliant and particularly deluxe re-release of the original Fatman game. Give 'em a hand.
Related @ Gnome's Lair:
Sam & Max Reality 2.0,
Beyond the Spirit's Eye,
2006 AGS Awards,
on storytellingRelated Tags: Adventure games, Independent gaming, Indy Games, Video games, Adventures, Game, Games, News, Adventure
I don't think independent developers should be "fiercely defended" necessarily. They've still got to earn my money. Preferably by finding something new and exciting to offer me! But in general, yes, I always feel a lot better about my purchases when the cash is going into the pockets of an artist working on his own to achieve his vision rather than a rich executive chomping on a cigar in his corner office. Hurrah for the indies!
ReplyDeleteAnd wow, this xii games thing sounds great! I would like to donate large amounts of money to them. I highly suggest everyone follow my example...
Thanks Gnome! I can't wait to show everyone what's in store for them.
Vince, you know i can't wait to see mate. And, yes, despite exceptions the indy model has to be fiercely defended... :) Where can I donate my pr0n collection?
ReplyDelete(puts hand up...)
ReplyDeleteCan I share half the pr0n collection with Elderly too?
ReplyDeleteBut guys, it's for the benefit of indy developers... Surely it wouldn't be right to... Well, ok, go on, have your picks.
ReplyDeletePsst, how about name-dropping my site, gnome? ;)
ReplyDelete...thanks Gnome your a pal. .okay mr. munkey ...
ReplyDeleteone for you
one for me
one for....
Well, dear Ivy, I've just added a link to me sidebar. How's that? :)
ReplyDeleteOh, and E., one for me too? I want to keep one... you know. Sentimental reasons...
Hooray! Thanks gnome!
ReplyDeleteI've already got a link to your review on my games page. :)
Why, thanks a ton most talented one :)
ReplyDelete...alright, but i'll have to start the count again... (regathers pron pile....)
ReplyDeleteone for me
one for munkey
one for Gnome
one fo..
I'll just have one, mind you. For all times sake y'know... Go on..
ReplyDelete...well then okay... (stops count, regathers porn collection...)..
ReplyDeleteany particular one, or you just pick at random...?
I'll randomly pick the Sick-fetish-german orgy extravaganza 5 then...
ReplyDelete..okay i'll shuffle...
ReplyDelete(shuffle pron collection
one for me
one for mr.munkey
(rolls percentile dice...)
nope sorry mr.Gnome