Related Tags: Retro games, Space Invaders, Paul Neave, Pacman, Freeware games, Retro, Free games
The Artful Gamer: Games are art, art can't be defined, dialectics can answer almost anythings, and the Artful Gamer always comes up with intriguing articles searching for the poetry in video games.
Pacroid: Eclectic, pretty damn huge and quality gaming blog, that wisely covers all kinds of digital games.Game Hoot: A most eclectic and diverse gaming blog covering every modern gaming device.
The Vintage Side of Gaming
Retro Treasures: An excellent blog (if I may), that brings you retro gaming oddities, rarities and bargains, and apparently searches eBay so that you don't have to.
Retro Gamer: The website of the glorious Retro Gamer magazine with all its rich content, web 2.0 bit, shop, collector's guides, blog and, well, more.
Retroaction Magazine: The most glorious of all PDF retro gaming magazines.
RGCD: The most glorious of all non-PDF retro gaming magazines.
GameSniped: The masters of retro rarities and oddities.
Vintage Computing and Gaming: Adventures in classic technology, with a healthy dose of impressive writing, great humour and retro scans.
The SEGA Master System Junkyard: Where the 8-bit SEGA machines are still being loved.
The Saturn Junkyard: A rich, constantly updating and ever expanding blog about all things Sega Saturn.
The Dreamcast Junkyard: The first of the SEGA junkyards and the glorious hub for all 128-bit Dreamcast gamers.
Retro Remakes: Home of a thousand flowery and mostly freeware remakes of classic games, the aptly named Retro Remakes compos, an excellent blog, a Bob and some pretty impressive exclusives.
Mersey Remakes - we make the cops look dumb: Where OddBob remakes, creates, reviews and enjoys stuff. Includes a War Twat.
Just One More Game: Fantastic blog with an unhealthy passion for all things retro, indie and -oddly- coin operated.
Spectrum Games: A treasure-trove of Spectrum games reviews, images, videos and misty eyed reminiscing. Run by the Retro Brothers.
Retro Computers: What could this be about, then? Another blog/site by the Retro Brothers.
The Joy of Sticks: The definitive Atari ST blog and home of the utterly amazing Great Atari ST survey.
World of Spectrum: The ultimate ZX Spectrum archive, offering thousands of games for legal download, while also covering the hardware, musical and publishing side of everyone's favourite 8-bit.
racketBoy: A rather classic classic gaming site.
Retro Replay: Emulation news, retro blogs, a lively nostalgic community and more than a few retro reviews.
Fiercely Independent
TIG Source: A.k.a. the independent gaming source, TIG Source is the hub of all things happening outside the corporate world of gaming. A place of revolution, quality and impressively odd compos.
Indie Games: The Weblog: Where the allmighty Tim presents us with the latest news and releases of the indie world while interviewing the creators.
TIGdb: The ultimate (and growing) indie games database.
The Monk's Brew: An incredibly innovative game developer writing about game design, the evolution of interactive fiction, adventures, play and more.
Play This Thing: Excellent and thoughtfull reviews of the most interesting and intriguing games around. Covers everything from interactive-fiction to board games to web freebies.
Matty On Games: Indie games, retro games, indie retro games and new indie games for retro platforms along with some other stuff. Brilliant.
Bytejacker: The channel for indie gamers to watch.
Point, Click, Type in an Adventurous Manner
Adventure Gamers: The biggest and -according to thorough research- best adventure gaming site around, filled with reviews, previews, features and news. Got a rather lively forum too.
A Hardy Developer's Journal: An absolutely excellent gaming blog with a strong focus on the creation (and enjoyment) of indie and freeware adventures.
Adventure Classic Gaming: Reviews, news, previews, interviews with legendary designers, forums, walkthroughs and features on retro classics.
Adventure Lantern: The one and only (thus also the very best) online gaming magazine that deals with adventures of all kinds, ages and formats.
An occasional player's review: Quality articles, reviews, developing tools, news and bits on design with a distinct indie adventure flavor.
Emily Short's Interactive Fiction: All hail the interactive fiction goddess!
The AGS blog: The definitive source of AGS news and thus a lovely place to discover the shiniest indie and freeware adventure games.
The International House of Mojo: All things Lucasarts covered, meaning all things Telltale, Double Fine, Autumn Moon and Ron Gilbert are being covered too.
The Lively Ivy: Hand-crafted adventure games, comics, art and an excellent sense of humour.
The Infocom Gallery: The reason the Internet was created: tons of Infocom info, scans, and a chance to play all those classic text adventures online. For free of course.
Mostly Gamers - Definitely Unsortable
Father Krishna's Wii-kly Sermons: Everyone's favourite FK and dear friend, the Father, blogs on anything that catches his gaming fancy and/or tickles his musical sense.
Barts News: Games! Software! Technology! Japan? Add some Spectrum loving, a PSP and voila!
Stray Dog Strut: Wisdom is to be found in barking up the wrong tree and being tasteful in games.
The Lost Level: Located in a (probably damp) maze of twisty little passages, the lost level revels in its coverage of RPGs, CRPGs, non-analog & non-digital games, fantasy artwork and much more.
The Red Bull Diary: Smart, political, stylish and with a thing for games.
Lameazoid.com: Exploiting games and toys since 1998 and occasionaly mentioning the Commodore 64 and some robots.
NebachadnezzaR's Place of Awesomeness: The awesome gamer/novelist from Portugal blogs on all things cinematic, heavy metal, console gaming and, well, gaming.
Old-Wizard: Intentionally fanboy-ish and filled with top 10 lists, this site could very well be a dadaist joke on the gaming/geek community.
Hunyak Blog: Media stuff, retro gaming, videos, a great sense of humour and an appettite for the obscure.
SlackerGamer: Nice, mostly mainstream and RPG-y.
Of Tables, Tops and Dice
Purple Pawn: The ultimate RPG, CCG, board game, card game and wargame news site.
Dungeon Mastering: Tons of info and advice for, well, mostly Dungeon Masters (not necessarily of the BDSM kind, mind) and RPG enthusiasts with a D&D fetish.
Bell of Lost Souls: WH40k, WHFB and miniature gaming news, articles, tactics and opinions.
Yehuda: Board-games, RPGs, game-crafting and It's Alive, all wrapped up in one of the oldest and most impressive analog gaming blogs around.
Dane of War: Roleplaying, wargaming, warhammering and zombie-loving.
"Roll Dice and Kick Ass!": Militant geek culture at its finest. Especially for people who love to move game pieces around.
The Vintage Gamer: Excellent podcast on mostly older games, many interviews, some bits on video games and an unhealthy longing for R'lyeh.
Warhammer Fantasy Tabletop Gaming: Self-explanatory really.
Forbeck.com: Matt Forbeck’s official website and blog, thus a place for fantasy novels, Blood Bowl and glimpses at everyones beloved Mutant Chronicles.
StupidRanger: Never Adventure Alone. An amazing and lovingly collective RPG blog aporting top quality writing.
Ramblin Gamer: Warhammer 40k, Heroclix, Battlefleet Gothic, Champions, Hero and a ton of analog gamng pictures.
Web Visual Artists
Deitrix ArtWorks: Home of the demented, surreal, creepy and extremely talented. Also virtual home of Deitrix and his beautiful abominations.
Walls of Gaming: A place for all your lovely wallpaper needs.
Tom Sheehan's Photography: Top quality photographs of Boston's historic South Shore coastal towns and beyond.
Tech, blogging and other stuff
gHacks: Daily tech/web/etc news, tips and links. An excellent resource.
Darscom - Captain D rides again: Books, e-books, audio-books, fiction, poetry, reviews, and anything else that comes to a captain's mind.
Ben Kudria's blog: Not sure I understand everything Ben talks about, but surely you tech savvy lot will fare much better.
Peek 'n' Poke: Walkthroughs, guides, FAQs and stuff.
Mainstream, Mainstream, Mainstream
Eurogamer: Almost like RPS, but bigger and not quite that smart. Still, Eurogamer is the best in mainstream-multiformat gaming and sports sopme excellent writing too.
Gamasutra: The art & business of making games and some truly in-depth coverage of all things game-y.
Kotaku: Like Joystiq, only different.
Joystiq: Like Kotaku, only different.
Fora and places of discussion
Retroaction forum: The forum of everyone's beloved online pdf retro gaming magazine. I help with the moderation bit.
Retro Gamer forum: Incredibly lively and smart. All your retro gaming questions will be answered and you can even leave your feedback on the mag.
Video Game VS: Lovely fanboy battleground. Quite shocking at times.
The Warhammer Forum: Does exactly what it says on the tin, with the added bonus of providing a space to discuss anything Games Workshop.
Empty and Dead-ish Places that mostly R.I.P.
The Elderly Gamer
PC Game Space Race Victory
Power Up
A Slime Appears
The Game Drone
Rendered Beauty
The Happy Gamer
Superfluous Gamer
Random J Blog
The Download Munkey
Games * Design * Art * Culture