Jul 18, 2011

The gnome-tastic AI War Competition

AI War: Fleet Command by Arcen Games is -at its simplest- an excellent sci-fi RTS set in a dystopian future. In reality though, it's much more than that. It's a deeply engaging, innovative, evolving, beautiful and brilliantly designed space strategy game, that gracefully blends RTS tactics with explore, expand, exploit and exterminate strategic thinking. Happily, it also seems to be an indie success story, that proves that gamers can be tasteful beings and one that keeps getting constant updates and some truly impressive expansion like, say, The Zenith Remnant, Children of Neinzul  and Light of Spire

Now, this being a competition post and as you might have already guessed, the time has come for Gnome's Lair to join forces with the benevolent souls over at Arcen games in giving away some tasty copies of AI War and its expansions. Here's what you can do:

1. Leave a comment on this very post and -after a most elaborate draw- win a copy of the AI War: Fleet Command core game. Five copies will be given away; you have one week.

2. Get all social and share something interesting on the Gnome's Lair facebook page for a chance to not only win AI War, but also The Zenith Remnant and Light of Spire expansions. Five AI War & expansions packs will be won and thoroughly enjoyed. Once again, you have one week - make sure you explicitly state the purpose of your share. 

3. Keep your eye on the Lair's twitter account, as 5 promo codes for the Children of Neinzul and 5 codes for the Light of Spire expansions will be posted within this very week.

Good luck!

[UPDATE]: The competition is over. Really. Do check the comments for the winners and contact me to send you the codes. Cheers!

Related @ Gnome's Lair:


  1. I don't have time to play any new games or any strategy games at this moment, so please don't take my comment into draw, as there are better folks out there deserving to get a copy of this game.

    Nevertheless, it pleases me that one can read Gnome's Lair and additionally win stuff.

  2. Glad yoy enjoy those new perks my friend :) I do suggest you enter the draw though. AI War is amazing.

  3. Are they doing better now? I read that they were struggling with an impending bankruptcy last year.

    But always wanted to try AI war, a very interesting title.

  4. I do believe they are doing better dear Jonathon. Oh, and good luck mate!

  5. Jonathon - I don't think they were struggling against bankruptcy as such, from my conversations with Chris the struggle was to be able to employ as many staff as they wanted - many indies are 1 or 2 person companies, but Arcen wanted to think a bit bigger. I think Tidalis didn't sell as well as they'd hoped, but recent upgrades and expansion packs to AI War have hopefully helped even things out. Haven't checked their blog lately but they're always up-front about their current status.

    Oh and Gnomey - sorry dude, this still isn't an entry to your competition - in fact not only have I played and reviewed the game, I ran a similar competition some time ago with Arcen! 5 happy individuals got AI War and Zenith Remnant, hopefully your competition will have the same happy outcome :-D

  6. Thanks and cheers good Captain!

  7. reading gnome and winning stuff!
    yeeeeiiiii! :D

  8. I can win stuff? :D Cool. Sign me up!

  9. Ooooh - sign me up!

  10. I'd like a chance at it! Sounds like a fun 4x game.

  11. Good luck to both of you!

  12. a voice from the lair7/21/11, 4:26 PM

    aye! sign me up if you please, Mr. Gnome

  13. Of course, of course dear voice...

  14. I love me some AI war. I need the extra copy for my brother so we can get our game on.

  15. Excellent, excellent, best of luck then!

  16. Sounds cool... sign me up!

  17. Red Bull, Matt Smith, Dan, toothycat, Ithmeer, Brunu, AndreasF, a voice from the lair and Jonathon all won a copy of AI War. Please do contact me for the code.

    Now, AndreasF, a voice from the lair, Ithmeer, Red Bull and Dan also won codes for the two expansions. Uhm yes, do mention that when you contact me.

    Cheers everyone and enjoy!

  18. Thanks for the gnometastic contest!

  19. You are most welcome!


  20. You guys should really claim those codes you know...
