Dec 6, 2010

WikiLeaks Stories

The 6th of December is a very important day indeed, especially if you live in Greece. Two years ago a 15 year old boy, Alexis, was brutally murdered by the police. It was a shocking event that led to a month-long revolt throughout Greece, which signaled a new phase of civil disobedience. Today, just like last year, the streets are once again (already) overrun by the angry youth (and many more) and this blog is happy. Then again, a blog can't help you join the students, workers and school-kids of Greece.

It can on the other hand interest you, oh fickle reader, with a new indie gaming initiative: WikiLeaks Stories. A selection of short and sometimes longer games that will turn some of the more interesting WikiLeaks ...err... leaks into playable stories. Maybe even provide you with a hacker game that will let you attempt to battle the powerful censors and their allies; we'll see about that.

Now, where are them games? Well, they are being made. I have already put a variety of other projects on hold and started working on a piece of WikiLeaks Stories interactive fiction (you know, a text adventure) and Jonas Kyratzes will soon come up with something himself. Hopefully a few more indie developers will join the fun, as being indie does not simply mean going for a pixel-art look...

That's all for now; back to Inform 7 for me. As for you luv, do watch this space and do support WikiLeaks.


  1. Sound promising, friend Gnome! I look forward to see what political pondering you'll present through your interactive projects!

  2. So am I to be frank my friend. I'm still designing the first story and struggling with Inform 7. By the way, why don't you join with a game yourself?

  3. Oh, I would, but already have far too many projects for a single human being :(

  4. I'm glad that today at least your political thoughts come out on this blog. It somehow makes me happy. It's the reason I started reading this blog. I find myself more of centrist really, but regardless it's nice to see that this blog isn't written by some one that's not affected by daily life. Regardless of whether the kid was killed or it was an accident, its nice to see people in the streets. Anyhow back to game design!

  5. This is a fantastic project and I hope more people join in!

  6. Must clear out coursework queue so I can help.

  7. It's funny - I started to subscribe to this blog because of the occasional Commodore 64-related posts, and not because I wanted some anarchy- and socialistic-ridden "analysis" of criminal teenagers in Greece.

    Sorry, "Gnome" - the atmosphere you just invoked here isn't really my two eurocents. So Long, and thanks for all the fish.

  8. @Swedish Pete: Murdering kids really is a fine thing to do, it's good that not everyone gets upset about it. We need more police officers shooting teenagers to prevent them from becoming infected with socialism.

  9. (sorry for taking this long to answer, but it was a strange day indeed)

    @ Dualnames: Bah, centrist or not you are definitely democratic dear Dualnames and that's what matters. Also, I'm glad you appreciate the spirit of the blog. And you arfe also right. Back to game design!

    @ Jonas: So do I my friend. The more people join the merrier. Also, the better.

    @ Swedish Pete: Well, suit yourself and make sure marxist "analysis" by "gnomes" doesn't get to you. Surely a C64 will remain a lovely thing in the (even more) brutal societies of tomorrow. Farewell "Swedish Pete", Swedish "Pete" or "Swedish" Pete.

  10. Oh, and do help anonymous. There's no time limit you know. We'll be waiting... :)

  11. Have y'all read the Newsgames book by the guys at Georgia Tech? Just you know - connection there to be made. I'm sure they'd be super interested in this, too...

  12. That does sound really interesting Anonymous. Guess I should search around a bit.



    Taiwanese animated news
    Rap News 4

    Rap News 5...MUST see end....!!!!

    Background for Rap News videos.
    Excellent read. How it was done. People behind it. Philosophy. Bios. Technology.

  14. I must admit those are some great -and, yes, inspiring- videos. Thanks!

  15. Inform 6/7 programmer and screenwriter here -- I'd be way into this if it takes off.

  16. @Anonymous: It does seem to be taking off! The project has been mentioned in the media, I was interviewed about it the other day, and Gnome and I are working on a website for it. So get out yer trusty Inform and... well, inform the world.

  17. Oh yes, fear not dear Anonymous. More than a few creative people have pledged to come up with a game.

  18. Interesting idea. Do you plan on focusing just on the cablegate leaks (about 3MB of HTML), or wikileaks in general (GB upon GB of all kinds of dirt)?

  19. correction: 90MB of HTML

  20. I'd think most leaks should be fair game, though I do have a feeling most will focus on the latest wikileaks. Don't let this limit you though Tom!

  21. Yeah because all the rioting in Greece is only about this "murdered" kid? Nothing to do with lazy men-children who are whining their tax-payer funded pensions are drying up. Not vile union thugs who resort to violence in every country when they don't get their way. Really, it is simply about a "murdered" youth. Really.

  22. It's amazing and quite a bit pathetic how puny fascists always comment anonymously, but I'm getting used to it.

    Anyway. On to the moronic Anonymous comment. A) I know such complex ideas are too difficult for you and your ilk to grasp, but try and understand that the riots for the murdered youth happened back in 2008. Current riots are about the austerity measures and the IMF junta. B) Try checking Eurostat out just to see the simple truth that Greek workers work much longer hours than the EU average and get paid much less. C) It's not "murdered" it's murdered you cretinous worm. The cop is in jail serving life-sentence. D) Better find a hole and hide because the unions will get stronger in all countries.
