Dear friend...
I write this letter to you under a great deal of pressure. I have been hiding in the shadows, trying to tell to you the truth, but they found about it and now they are coming for me. The last recording that I recovered is now available and nothing was the same after it... Bertrand was the first and then came many others. Including myself...
You have to come to the Hanwell Mental Institute. I know this is happening to you as well...
This is the last you will hear from me...
Jun 26, 2010
Subject E14 - The Final Session
Jun 25, 2010
The Adventure Lantern Lit Again

Jun 24, 2010
Maziacs: The Boardgame
First, there was Mazogs on the Sinclair ZX81. It was a dungeon crawler and it was great. Then, there was Maziacs for the ZX Spectrum. It was a dungeon crawler and it was great. Now, there is Maziacs: The Boardgame. It is a dungeon crawler and it is great. It also is absolutely free, provided of course you have a printer and some dice, and can be played with purely analog means.
The question though is whether Maziacs: The Boardgame, a boardgame based on a rather ancient and definitely simple CRPG, is worth your time, effort and paper. Well, I'm pretty sure it is. The rules are incredibly simple, smart, fun and versatile, and the game can be played both in its standard single-player mode and cooperatively. I'm actually pretty sure it could be run with a Game Master too. As for its aesthetics, simple as they are, they remain true to the original source and evoke a certain retro feel. Definitely worth a try. Download your PDF copies here.
Related @ Gnome's Lair:Jun 21, 2010
Raze Magazine Issue One

First published in late 1990, Raze was an excellent and pretty much final multi-format magazine by Newsfield, that read like a slightly more console-centric, slightly more Japan-loving version of The Games Machine. Happily, and thanks to the Out-Of-Print-Archive, you can now download the original issue 1 of Raze for free. Simply follow this link and grab a high definition, top quality scan of the magazine, that has the blessing of Newsfield Publications and is as legal as they get. You'll need a cbr reader to enjoy the mag, mind, so I suggest you have a look at the equally freeware Comical.
Content-wise this first issue of Raze covers everything from the Atari Lynx and the Amiga, to the Sega Master System and Amstrad's hopeless GX4000. In its 100 pages the issue features an extensive Which Console? article and sports dozens of reviews, previews and news-bits about such all-time favourites as Shadow of the Beast II, Devil's Crash, Lemmings and James Pond. Oh, and after you've done reading it, there's this excellent Newsfield related interview with Roger Kean to read, enjoy and fuel your nostalgia.
Related @ Gnome's Lair:Jun 20, 2010
Game Sniped Filled with Ancient Toys

Jun 19, 2010
Addressing Certain Disturbing Recordings

I am writing this public letter on behalf of the Hanwell Mental Institute, in the hope that it will clarify a distressing and misleading situation that came to light at the beginning of June. A person by the name of "Leonard Huntings" has been offering a series of video recordings and attempting to pass them as actual archive material from the institute. The Internet website in question that I am referring to is located at
We claim absolutely no connection to these outrageous videos. More so, we suspect this "Leonard Huntings" is a nickname used by the perpetrator, who has not the courage to use his real name. We never admitted patients by the names of Leonard Huntings or Bertrand Laroche, who seems to be subject of the videos. Thus, we are dismissing this stunt as nothing else than juvenile efforts to tarnish the good image of our institute. Authorities have been alerted and I trust the aforementioned Internet website will be disabled shortly.
I sincerely thank you for your time and I'm truly sorry to see you being bothered by this childish event.
Yours Truly,

Dr. Andrew H. Miller
Head Director
Jun 16, 2010
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Remade

Happily, the H2G2 remake has now been released and you can download it from its official site. For free of course. As for its title, well, you'll be shocked to find out its none other than the rather apt The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Remake. Oh, yes, and it's a pretty radical remake too, as it transforms the parser-based, text-only game into a proper, graphical, mouse-driven, point-and-click adventure.
The surreal, colorful, low-res and quite abstract graphics of the remake are generally excellent and more than appropriate to the theme, whereas the new interface works like a charm. What's more, the remake is extremely faithful both to the book and the original game, and manages to fully and successfully translate the game and its puzzles into a new genre. It even makes the thing actually playable (without a walkthrough) by non-superhuman adventurers through the implementation of two difficulty modes, a streamlined interface, quite a few subtle clues, the removal of most dead-ends and some smart design ideas. As for the soundscape of the game, well, it's more than memorable and appropriate.
So, yes, I do suggest you try said remake. Even if you've never played the original. Even if you never actually found out who Douglas Adams was. Just don't expect it to be over in a couple or so hours. Expect t to be extremely funny.
Jun 12, 2010
Opening the Sierra Chest

Jun 11, 2010
SubjectE14 -- Session2 -- What monster?
UNDISCLOSED LOCATION - June 11, 2010. The second part of the recovered
tape is made available. It gets much worse from now on. I’m not sure
if I should show you the rest... Is this enough to convince you that
the rumors about Hanwell Mental Institute are real? Look closely and
pay attention: this is what they did to my friend. They did it to me
as well. And you.
I may not be able to continue with this. You should spread the word.
Jun 10, 2010
The unique experience that was Fahrenheit (or Indigo Prophecy I guess)

What’s more, the full game, and that was a most refreshing change, mostly delivered on what the demo promised. Not that it didn’t have its mediocre bits, some incredibly bad writing or a shockingly silly ending, mind you, but it really was unique. And if you haven’t played it yet, it will still feel unique in 2010, as no other game, beside its PS3 exclusive sequel, dared pull its tricks again. First of all, its context sensitive interface had both an early Wii-like mentality and let you interact with almost anything in the game in a variety of ways, that almost provided you with the -perceived- interactivity of a text adventure. Secondly, the brilliant cinematics were turned into quasi-interactive ryth mini-games, and you also got to play a variety of different characters, solve some pretty interesting puzzles, intelligently interact with incredibly detailed environments and even get (almost) scared. Then, the use of multiple cameras went beyond mere aesthetics. It was a new gameplay element, that allowed you, for example, to see an adversary approaching while still trying to solve a puzzle or decide what to do next.

Intriguing, isn’t it? And it does get better, trust me. Sports a ton of minor innovations too. So, uhm, if you haven’t played Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in the US), and you can stomach a mediocre B-movie plot, I strongly suggest you give it a try. Here's the PC version demo.
Related @ Gnome's Lair:
And so I'm back (from outer space)
Well, my dissertation is over, the army is over and I thought I might just try and spend some time on my dear Gnome's Lair. You know, some quality gaming time, that should probably translate into quite a few reviews, retrospectives and articles, and most probably some games. After all, the time has come to actually try and finish that game I promised you aeons ago, and start working on the next one.
Oh, and if I were you, I would expect some more surprises. Possibly even a whole new site (no, not a blog). And a revival of Retro Treasures, Gaming on the Go and Walls of Gaming, though I really should finish my articles for the excellent Retroaction magazine first. So, uhm, exciting, eh?
PS. Don't forget that more Gnome (in tiny well-shaped quantities) is available via Twitter and Facebook.
Jun 5, 2010
Subject E14 -- Session 1 (?)
Got hold of this today, and I thought I'd break my silence and let you know.
UNDISCLOSED LOCATION - June 4, 2010. The following tape was found at a confidential archive and has been painstakingly restored. It proves beyond doubt that what happened at the Hanwell Mental Institute is true. This is only a very small glimpse of the atrocities committed there. I can show you more...
I beg you to refrain from contacting me as I have put myself in great danger already. Thank you, and spread the word.