Dec 3, 2009

Army Break 9: A few promises

Having returned home and planning to stay here for the next 10 or so days, I feel pretty confident I'll manage a proper Gnome's Lair post or two. Also hope to start work on the blog itself, as it will soon (well, soon-ish; March the latest) spring back into action.All improved and nicer to look at.


  1. We'll hold you responsible of that promise - you know, I still have Gnome's Lair in my RSS, so I'll definitely be checking in.

  2. Excellent, then. Thanks mate!

  3. Same here, gnomie. Gnomes make feed readers happy.

  4. And red bulls make gnomes wonder whether they are back and whether they had a great time. Cheers my friend!

  5. Yay Gnome! :-)

    I'm really hoping to have my next game out in the next ten days, although it may not happen...


  6. A gnome is home! Good to see you've kept your spirits up. Just make sure you relax and unwind before worrying too much about blogging, mind? ;)

  7. great to hear you're doing well buddy.

  8. Ironically, in your time away you've managed to post more articles than I have in my time spent at home :D

  9. Good to hear, Gnome! Glad you have a little vacation..

  10. He's back in black (for the next 9 days)!! (the password to post this comment, got me laughing (EXESES?), it means "have you taken a shit" in greek!

  11. Sounds good. It'll be nice to have Gnome's Lair re-opened. Oh, and enjoy your 10 day break.

  12. Enjoy the break. Hope you get a chance to play some games as well, though.

  13. @ Pacian: So do I my friend. After all you'll need some free creative time for some other projects ;)

    @ JMcL63: Absolutely. Though I wouldn't describe my spirits as high, really...

    @ Tim: Thanks mate!

    @ Chris: It's them PhDs apparently. They can be more time consuming than being silly and pointless in a ridiculous uniform.

    @ Deitrix: Cheers my friend! Hope all is fine.

    @ Dualnames: LOL & cheers. De se xalase e?

    @ Nreive: Thanks mate. Think I'll manage to contribute something to the next Retroaction?

    @ Dave: Thank you! I'll hopefully get to finish the final chapter of ToMI soon.
