Aug 15, 2009

Army Break 4: Off to the borders

Well, as I only have another couple of hours in Athens, thought I'd let you know that a) I'll be off very soon to serve on a certain island and b) that I really need some sleep. Should be back after a few months or -provided I get really lucky- some weeks.

Cheers and take care everyone!


  1. I've been reading up on the Greek military Gnome, and if this island is inhabited by a one-eyed giant who wants you to leave his sheep alone... you leave his sheep alone, okay?


  2. Yup, better not make one-eyed giants angry...

    Take care, gnomey! See you soon (hopefully)!

  3. Looks like you got out of Athens just in time? Hope your 'luck' keeps up oh gnomish one. ;)

  4. Hope you're all right there, buddy. Let us know what's up when you have a chance!

  5. A belated good luck to you dear friend, hope all is well. :)

  6. Thanks everyone... oh and cheers and good luck etc. Hopefully I'll pull through without murdering any officers. Or corporals. Or sergeants. Oh well... At least I did give Patapon a try
