Mar 24, 2009

Pacian presents Dead Like Ants

Dead Like Ants Pacian i-fHaving already enjoyed a significant part of Dead Like Ants I can assure you dear readers that it is indeed an excellent game -or should I say read- that absolutely everyone has to experience. But, I'm apparently jumping ahead of myself. Let me first explain that Dead Like Ants, a little downloadable something just released for the EnvComp competition, is a freeware piece of interactive fiction (a.k.a. a text adventure) created by Pacian of Gun Mute and Poizoned Mind fame for your PC, Mac or Linux machine. Now you know and, well, you should really download it and find out more about it here. Immediately.

As I don't want to spoil anything major here, let me just tell you that -as is usually the case with Pacian's offerings- Dead Like Ants sports a truly unique and beautiful fairy tale-esque setting, a pretty innovative way of handling puzzles (and in-game death), a selection of well written characters, an amazing world to explore and an excellent story. As for the difficulty of the puzzles, well, guess I'll let you figure it out yourselves. Not that you'll encounter anything particularly frustrating, mind. Oh, and here's the author's description of things:

Dead Like Ants is a low-fi, fairy tale-ish game for an Interactive Fiction (i.e. text game) environment competition. Explore your surroundings, meet strange new people, try to stand-out from your thousands of identical sisters... And perhaps at the end of it all, you'll grow some wings.

Related @ Gnome's Lair:


  1. Awesome! If this is like Poizoned Mind, I bet it's a great IF as well.

    Pacian is really a gifted IF creator.

  2. Absolutely agree with you Bastich. Pacian is ridiculously talented. Oh, and this is quite different from Poizoned Minds but -possibly- even better.

  3. Amazing. Haven't finished, but I love the atmosphere, and the structure. It's much simpler (perhaps) and better that there are only a few directions to go, rather than there being the 4 compass directions. Excellent job by Pacian!

  4. And the writing dear Ithmeer is -surely- wat makes everything work so well.

  5. Splendid stuff dear Gnome and a big respectful bow to dear Pacian!

    *Hugs Gnome* Sorry I've not popped in for a wile dear heart. You'll see more of me fromnow on!

    Oh and I've got a few posts up my sleeve for GGOTG and Retro Treasures.

  6. *Hugs Father back*

    So nice to have you around Father. You just stay and play a bit with that Spectrum while I bake the cookies and fix some tea mate.


  7. Ooh lovely! I have a spoon full of honey instead of sugar these day dear Gnome... is it OK if I take my shoes off?

    BTW, Pacian's text adventure is awfully clever isn't it? Is there magick involved? Some sort of electrikery?

  8. Absolutely. I'll have the dog bring you a pair of slippers. Oh, and (sips tea) I'm sure Pacian is mostly utilizing sacrificial virgins, really.

  9. Oh, but I certainly have to try that! Loved gun.mute, even though I never got very far

  10. Don't worry Nebacha. This one comes complete with a walkthrough!
