Jul 12, 2007

Vinyl Data: text-adventures & ZX Spectrum Games

I've always preferred LPs over CDs, you know, and that was ages before reading the Vinyl Data article by Kempa.com and finally finding out quite a few of them records came with some lovely hidden ZX Spectrum software on their tracks. Now, I'm beyond love. It's lust and I just have to search for the fabled contraption that will allow me to connect my turntable to the PC. Ahh, yes, lovely 8-bit programs encoded on vinyl and satanic Stranglers tapes, here I come... As for you dear readers, well, why not find out more?

Related @ Gnome's Lair: Resonance news, Sierra's Mystery House taken over, The ZX Spectrum documentary


  1. That's pretty awesome. Great find!


  2. Glad you enjoyed it Yehuda. Thanks for the comment oh master of the board game...


  3. I think I still have some singoles with ZX 81 programs on them. They came with "Your Computer". It's not even vinyl but plastic! Wonder if they still work....

  4. I read somewhere that you can connect your turntable to a PC with a "phono pre-amp" or something. I believe that only rips audio from the vinyl though :(

  5. Ah, eric, but the difference is indeed negligible. You're a very lucky person...

    Roys, thanks. Definitely worth a google search. One can only hope my friend...

  6. (totally confused, elderly makes tea....)

  7. Appropriate as always...

  8. Amazing find! I used to own a couple of Thompson Twins 45s myself.

    OK about these discs, did you have to tape the squelches whines and beeps onto a cassette before you could use them on your spectrum?

  9. I wouldn't know dear Father, I simply wouldn't.. 'd love to find out though mind you...

  10. (elderly wheels in tea trolley.....)

    if it's any help (knowing it probably isn't) the C64 used a series of tape recorded sonic "chatter" to transmit the data through the cassette head to the giggledee googalee bits in the C64's gizzards..

    I reckon FK is onto something...

    custard creams with that?

  11. C64 flavored ones, perhaps?

    Anyway... feels that cold be quite some piece of info (as opposed to ass). Thank you Mr. Elderly.

  12. (opens pack of C64 flavoured custard creams..)

    haven't tried these before.... ahh look they got a commodore logo baked on them....

    (eats around commodore logo...)

  13. Eat up, eat up! What am I to do with a half-chewd C-64 logo?

    Still, they are delicious...

  14. We leave the commodore logos till the very end then we dunk em in a cup of tea.... what ya never ate c64 custard creams before?

  15. *FK stumbles upon the chat just as the last C64 flavoured biccy is gobbled up...*

    DAMN! Email me next time you've got some retro computer biscuits to dunk!

  16. (sends Father C64 biccies via pigeon)

    Nope Elderly. never. Ah, us poor proletarians...
