Apr 28, 2006

Revolution? Not any more

Nintendo is as bold and innovative as a behemoth of a company can be. That's the good news. The news that freaked everyone though, had more to do with the forthcoming Revolution's name. It will be Wii. Yes, just, Wii. As in Wheeee!!!! Not a good idea for naming a console me thinks. At least there is a sort of logic behind this name, but I can't be bothered to discuss it. Sorry about that... You'll have to click your way to revolution.Nintendo.com and find out more.

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  1. I still want one though. The console itself looks amazingly futuristic.

  2. And with retro capabilities too... I'm gonna get myself one too. Enrich the blog and so on.

  3. I'd usually say that a bad name isn't going to put people off buying the thing, but in this case I'm not so sure.

  4. Nah, I think this is a bit on the over-reacting side... Besides, console design is more important than the name, and AMSTRAD really sounded worse.

  5. i think i'm the only person in the world who loves the new name. It's just so different to the focus grouped names of PS3 and 360

    The revolution is the only next gen console I am really excited about, plus when your girlfriend is begging for a controller for her when you mention pre-ordering, you know you're on to a good thing.

  6. Girlfriends have been known to even enjoy the Dreamcast. Still, Mike, I'm also excited for the revolutions, oops sorry the Wii. It's just that the name came as sort of a shick. Wee?

    Hope it's not the greatest marketing flop in Nintendo's history. I do trust them though...

  7. I preferred the name 'Revolution'... It fit the system fine...

    And no, I'm not going to say "Wiiii""... oh, dammit... I said it.

  8. You've done worse ross...the other day you kept saying 'Trouballs'... :)

  9. AMSTRAD stands for Alan Michael Sugar Trading. Just thought I'd let you know. While we're on the subject, I found out that PSION (who make calculators and shit) stands for Peterson Scientific Instruments Or Nothing. Cool eh? Oh...just sad.

  10. Yep, that's why I until recently considered AMSTRAD a horrid name... But, PSION. Oh, dear deare... Not sad. A tragedy it is.
